Our Cub pack is lively and enthusiastic. The age range is from 8-11 years meaning this section can be the loudest and most excitable. At this age Cubs are always on the go, we keep them busy with plenty of games and and exciting activities. There’ll be something for everyone, craft, cooking, team games and individual challenges. We don’t just confine our meetings to the hall, during the summer months we get out to the park and go on visits.
As with all the sections we work towards the National Cub Award Programme to earn a whole range of badges and complete challenges. Cubs love to earn badges and there’s a wide range to choose from: Astronomer, Book Reader, Global Issues, and Scientist to name a few.
During our weekly meetings Cubs learn many practical skills such as navigation, how to give first aid, cook a meal from scratch and so much more. Our focus is on caring for others and the world around us. Teamwork is important and Cubs begin to learn that by working together they can achieve so much more. They build leadership skills as they gain more confidence in themselves through all the adventures and activities they take part in.
Cubs are at the age where they’re ready for some more challenging adventures and our programme supports several camps over the year, exciting activity camps filled with thrilling challenges, giant swings, climbing and abseiling; as well as more sedate camps where we cook on open fires, hike and play camp games; and in the summer a longer camp with on-site activities, campfire songs, day trips, and games. On our summer camps Cubs start to find a new independence by taking an active part in cooking, fire building, setting up and striking camp and washing up!

Please use the link below to add your details to our joining/waiting list, we’ll be in touch once a place becomes available.